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Annalee Skarin Taught on Earth after her Ascension
Joanna Cherry
Annalee returned! But how could that be? She ascended
in 1952 and hasn't been heard from since! ("Ascended" means taking your body into a lighter dimension and dissapearing from the earth plane.) These
thoughts flashed through my mind as I looked into deep
blue eyes. I was teaching an ascension workshop in Mt.
Shasta, California in July of 1987. Bonnie Johnson, a
bright-eyed elderly participant, had just said
"Annalee taught us for three years, back in 1966."
I took a breath, recovered. "You mean, from the
higher realms."
"No, she was right here with us, in the flesh."
"In the flesh! Where?"
"Down in Redding." An hour's drive south.
I was astounded. Annalee was an extraordinary being.
"Love, praise, and gratitude to God!" was like a motto
to her. Here is an excerpt from a letter I received
from Kimberley Wheeler, one of three people I
interviewed. Annalee wrote it to help someone whose car had
injured a child.
"I know exactly what you experienced in running over
that child. I had the same experience happen to me in
San Pedro. A child 6 years old rode [on his bike] down
that almost perpendicular hill along Caroline
Street...right under the wheels of my car. I never
even saw him until it happened. I jumped out of the
car and the wheel had gone completely over him. He was
lying there dead in the street--and that inner voice
spoke saying, 'Annalee, don't be alarmed. The child
will be all right.' I grabbed one child standing in
the street and asked him to take me to the little
boy's mother. We ran a block and every step of that
distance, I was singing praise and thanks to God,
saying 'Thank you Father, that he is all right! Oh, I
thank you that he is all right!' I had learned to
trust that inner voice more than anything else on
earth, and though the child appeared to be dead, yet
God had said he was all right. And I knew he was. When
I returned with his mother the little fellow was
screaming his lungs out. I got him in the car and
rushed him down to the police emergency hospital. They
went over him very carefully, and said to me, 'It was
a greater shock to you than to him. He's all right.'
And the next day he was back in school."
Annalee's is the most famous of modern-day
ascensions. Unwanted as a child--her mother wore a
girdle so her pregnancy would not be known--she
suffered a most painful upbringing. She became
dedicated to the Salt Lake City Mormon Church and
served in many capacities over the years, giving the
church a large percentage of her income. She had
strong spiritual sensibilities and a keen sense of
humor. In late middle age, from her devotion to God
and Jesus Christ she brought forth a magnificent
book: Ye Are Gods. The Mormon Council of Twelve
declared Annalee to be anti-Christ because, as Apostle
Mark E. Peterson of the Council said in an interview
some years later, her teachings nullified the
Atonement of Jesus Christ in her claim that "there
shall be no more death, that death is unnecessary and
that we ourselves can overcome and avoid death."
(Anthony Brooks, "Where is Annalee Skarin?", Fate
Magazine, May 1967) With a vote almost entirely from
men who had not read her book, the Council
excommunicated her from the church.
In a letter dated June 7, 1951, quoted in the same
article, Annalee wrote to a friend: "All I am trying
to do is to teach mankind that it is possible for
every child of God to be so in tune with Him and His
Holy Spirit that they can be directed in all that they
do, in all that they say, and that their lives can
become a melody of living glory as they learn to abide
completely and fully in His Holy Spirit. It is such a
breathtaking glory every moment of every day that it
is almost unspeakable in its power."
In June of 1952, Annalee was staying at the home of a
friend, "Mrs. B.", in Salt Lake City. Mr. Brooks
interviewed her, and I quote him here:
On the morning of June 16, 1952, Mrs. Skarin
indicated to Mrs. B. that it had been revealed to her
the previous night that, as she put it, "the angels
might be coming for her quite soon." During the day
she left instructions that in the event this happened
all of her books and personal effects should be sent
to her daughter.
At l:10 am. June 17, Mrs. B. suddenly awakened.
Something impelled her to rush to Mrs. Skarin's
room--and she found her gone. Her dentures lay on a
bedside table and so far as Mrs. B. could tell, all of
her possessions had been left in the room. A strong yet
delicate scent filled the entire house and Mrs. B.
surmised it may have been this strong aroma that had
awakened her.
On the evening of June 17 about 10:30 pm Mrs. B.
was sitting in her living room with her son and
two daughters when Mrs. Skarin entered the house.
She was wearing a plain blue dress and Mrs. B.
remarked her disheveled hair and her legs covered with
Mrs. Skarin immediately asked, "Do you believe I have
translated?" ["Translated" means "ascended."]
Mrs. B. and her family replied in the
affirmative--whereupon Mrs. Skarin invoked blessings
upon them while praising God for their faith.
In these moments, according to Mrs. B. and her family
who all attest to the same story, Mrs. Skarin changed
before their eyes into a shining being in white
raiment, her hair in a golden light. ... Mrs. B. saw
the transferred Annalee displaying her new and
gleaming teeth; yet her dentures lay on the
bedside table.
Continuing to utter blessings and prayer, Annalee
Skarin slowly disappeared from their sight.
She did not return. Her husband Reason, a New York
policeman, disappeared six months later. The FBI
investigated both cases, but found nothing.
Though Annalee had ascended, she did manage to publish seven other
books. These have become a powerful catalyst in the
ascension movement.
After my Mt. Shasta workshop, I didn't follow up this
enigma. Then in the fall of
'94, I talked at a gathering in Redding which
Bonnie Johnson attended. With her was her friend
Billie Stearns, who had also been with Annalee. I
wasted no more time and asked them both for an
interview; they graciously consented.
On a cold, still day in December I drive down to
Redding to talk with Bonnie and Billie, a friend and my tape
recorder in tow. We find the address and turn into
the driveway of the simple home Bonnie shares with her
husband. A few rose bushes line the small yard,
shining their last brave blossoms of pink and yellow
into the winter afternoon. Bonnie greets us with open
arm and we enter a clean, well-kept interior. She
says Billie is unable to come; I talked with her
later by phone. We sit around her kitchen table and
get settled. We begin the interview by holding hands
and calling in Annalee; she is already very much
present! We bless the interview and ask that it be the
greatest possible gift to everyone.
Bonnie herself is an unexpected and wonderful gift.
She has a heart that thrills with love. She is simple
and wise; she could teach anyone about perfect faith.
She carries an immense yearning for truth like a torch
that lights her path. Her country dialect is soft and
flowing, punctuated by bursts of delighted laughter.
As she talks, her face is alight, her hands dancing in
tune with her story; and her blue eyes seem to go
forever. She has known such extraordinary experiences
that the interview is about her as well as Annalee.
Though Bonnie's language and exclamations may sound silly to sophisticated ears, I did not want to change or delete them. She is a simple person and holds no pretenses; she is not concerned about how she appears to others. I invite you to see with me through the "country bumpkin" phraseology to the great heart and mastery beneath.
Bonnie says about herself: "God had given me some
great revelations, and I didn't know who I would find
to tell me about these things." She had read and
loved Ye Are Gods, and one day in late summer of 1966
her friend Addie Givvens told her she knew Annalee,
and that she was conducting a weekly study group in
her home. The next week, a very excited Bonnie drove
down to Cottonwood, some miles south of Redding, and
met Annalee and Reason. They looked like any elderly
retired couple. They were going by the names of John
and Nansela (Bonnie wasn't sure of the spelling of
this name) Matthews, as "the Mormon Church was trying
to track them down because they thought they had
translated, and then they heard they were alive." They
came from Arizona and were driving to Canada, but they
told spirit if it wanted them to stop anywhere, to
"pull the string". At Cottonwood the string
pulled! They bought land there and a trailer to live
in, and Annalee quietly began to teach.
Bonnie says of that first night she met Annalee,
"Oh, it was so marvelous! She began to talk and tell
things that God had given me and I had never told
anyone. I just cried. I knew this was the one who
could teach me!"
Bonnie had a need to know. She tells of an experience
that led her to Annalee. "It was back in '53. The
twins were three years and my little boy just four months.
One day we had a big earthquake, and I took out the
Bible and began to read and I said, 'Lord, how is it
your coming will be?' Then I quit reading and began to
contemplate. All at once I was lifted off the divan,
and the clothes I had on fell off like veils to the
floor, and the most beautamous robe, white robe, was
put on me, whiter than any snow I ever saw, and stars
sparkled all over this garment, just like real stars!
My face shone like a light, and the knowledge was so
great. I looked up and saw Jesus, and I became filled
with him. It was such a thrill, but I said 'But I
can't go, I've got these little children.' Then I
found myself back on the divan. I was lifted in a love
for seven days. Angels would come and pat me on the
head. It was ecstatic. It was a whole year before I
even said anything to anybody, because I knew they
wouldn't believe me.
"And then, about a year after that, I was just
sprinkling clothes and here came a little lady, just
about the size of Annalee, and she gathered me in her
arms--oh, it was so sweet, and such love. And I
started to grab her, hold her, and she just
disappeared. When I met Annalee, I was sure she was
that lady."
Later I ask her, "Do you belong to a church, Bonnie?"
"I did belong to the Pentecostal, but they kicked us
out because of my testimony. They got afraid of me.
And I thought, 'My land, if they even knew the truth
about this, they would be running toward me and saying
"What have you got? I want to know this."' We could
have all come into something."
A study group met with Annalee each week, as many as
50 people, usually at Annalee's or Bonnie's. (Billie
says Annalee was also meeting with people in Chico,
Paradise, and Burney.) Annalee took Bonnie under her
wing--"Oh, she would pet me [patting her knee] and say
'Oh Bonnie, blessed Bonnie!'" She gave Bonnie a set of
the books she had completed. And when Bonnie told
Annalee how she was her teacher, Annalee replied,
"Well Bonnie, wherever you were, I would have had to
come and help you."
Annalee was then working on her book Beyond Mortal
Boundaries, and she shared her revelations with the
group as they came to her. When it was finished
(DeVorss publishes her books), she gave out signed
copies--Billie still has hers.
Generally, Annalee seemed like a regular person. But
one experience proved her evolvement. In Bonnie's
"Billie and I wanted to ask Annalee a question. We
went on down to her place, but she wasn't there. We
waited a whole hour, and I said 'Well Billie, let's
stay 30 more minutes, and if she's not here by that
time, then we'll leave.'
"And boy, it wasn't too long after that, I heard a
great big Boom! coming through the atoms of her
trailer. I went on around to the side, and Annalee
opened the curtains [of the glass door] and there she
was, standing in the air about like this [8-9 inches
off the floor]. She was putting on a sweater, and she
turned her head and nodded like this. Two hands
appeared over her shoulders--there weren't any
feet--and helped her on with her sweater. When she got
it on, she nodded again and the hands disappeared.
"She said 'Mercy to goodness, how long have y'all
been here?' She invited us in, and you know she looked
20 years old, she didn't have wrinkle one. Oh, she was
beautiful! She said, 'Sit down, come sit down. What do
you want?' We asked her our question. But before she
could even talk to us, she had to come down from that
realm. We could see the wrinkles come back into her
face. Then finally she answered us."
On another occasion, Bonnie and Billie and their
husbands were returning home from a bowling tournament
in Chico. They were driving along Interstate 5 through Redding, talking
animatedly about Annalee. Suddenly, they noticed
Annalee and Reason's car ahead of them. The foursome
began to follow. According to Billie "Annalee got off
at the Cypress Street exit, turned left on Hilltop,
and then turned right again on a street that's now
part of an industrial area. They turned the corner,
into a street that ended right there, and when we
turned after them their car was gone."
Annalee left Cottonwood in 1970. Both Bonnie and Billie
understood that she went to Red Bluff and wrote her
eighth and last revelation, Book of Books, published
in 1972. Billie told me that shortly after it was
published, a copy was delivered to her door with no
return address.
Before we leave, Bonnie says "The other day I was in
the mall, close to Sears. I was blessing everybody,
and all at once I saw golden stairs, and I could see
plum right through them to the top! Oh, they were
beautiful! I went running up there. Down below they
were shooting the pictures of Santa Claus, and I
thought 'Well, I wonder if anybody saw me go up here?'
And by looking down and wondering about what happened
there, they let me down on the floor again, but on
this side, not where I'd been. I thought, 'My land,
why didn't I go on and get my mind where I was
going!'" She shakes her head in regret.
Annalee has told her she is headed for translation in
"not too long a time."
"Bonnie", I ask her, "Will you make me a promise?
When you ascend, will you come visit me and tell me
about it?"
"I'll sure try to," she says.
Since speaking with Bonnie, I have also interviewed a
Mt. Shasta woman, Kimberley Wheeler, whose father
Kenneth Wheeler saw Annalee in 1953 or 1954, shortly
after her ascension. "He was invited to an evening
talk at a bookstore in southern California, I think
Glendale. Annalee and Reason were the speakers! He
always remembered her first words: 'I love you, I love
you, I love you all.' She spoke for a time in a most
wonderful way, and then Reason spoke for a shorter
time. At the end of the evening, the two left holding
hands. My father was watching them walk off down the
sidewalk, when they disappeared."
Kimberley has heard that Annalee and Reason gave a
talk in Sacramento, California in the late 80's. The
man who told her about it said he noticed one small
thing which confirmed who they were. It was the end of
the evening, and they were all standing around
talking. Annalee leaned on the coffee table, and her
hand went right through it.
Now Annalee has gone to new adventures. I would like
to report that she ascended a second time, leaving no form behind,
but that is not what happened. Her body died, and is
buried by a nursing home in the Corning, California area; I
confirmed this myself. Knowing that a lady who can
travel back and forth between dimensions would have no
need to lay her body down, I called Annalee in
meditation to ask her why she chose that. I
actually asked her this twice over the years, and her
answer was the same. She told me she had a friend in
the nursing home who needed her help, and she went
there to be with her. Shortly after her friend's
passing, Annalee consciously left her body; she did
not die in the usual way. (The great yogi Yogananda
left the same way.) "Did you raise it from the grave,"
I asked, knowing that some other ascended masters have
done that. "There was no need," she answered. She
simply clothed her spirit in her lighter dimensional
body. I felt disappointed that there was not a more
spectacular departure for her, but I understood that
different actions are appropriate in different
Annalee visits Bonnie often in her light body, along
with Bonnie's sister Mamie and her friend June, who
are also passed. They watch over her and help her,
along with her angels. Recently Bonnie had a quadruple
bi-pass operation, and in post-operative X-rays the
doctors could find no trace of it. Her heart, which
had become enlarged, is now a perfect heart of normal
size. All the steel staples have disappeared from her
body, and the four veins they had placed outside her
heart are not to be seen.
Just in the last three years, a family from Fremont,
California came to see me because they could not
understand the disappearance of Farid, their
son/brother/husband. Over a year or so Farid had
devoured Annalee Skarin's books, reading them over and
over. He began to intimate to his family that Annalee
was visiting him. A computer specialist, he gave
notice at his work, and got his severance pay two
weeks later. Leaving all of his money and personal
effects behind, he disappeared. I contacted him on the
inner and sure enough he was there, feeling totally
in awe of being on the ascended plane with his
teacher Annalee.
Annalee is very much present to assist us--even so far
as appearing here in person! We may want to accept her
hand-up to ascension by calling her in--she is so
loving, so beautiful, and what a smile!--and feeling
her presence and support. She has traveled the path of
ascension, and it is her
deepest desire that we share her joy and glory.
©1989, Joanna Cherry. You are welcome to copy and distribute this article,
as long as you acknowledge its source. Thank you